Cara Menghilangkan Duri Ikan Ditenggorokan

What are the symptoms of fish bone stuck in the throat?

Symptoms of Fish Bone Stuck in Throat

When a fish bone gets stuck in the throat, it can cause a lot of discomfort and irritation. The most common symptoms of fish bone stuck in throat are:

  • Persistent coughing or gagging
  • Pain or discomfort in the throat, especially while swallowing
  • Difficulty in swallowing food or liquid
  • Feeling of a foreign object stuck in the throat
  • Wheezing or noisy breathing
  • Blood in saliva or coughed up mucus

It is important to seek medical attention if the symptoms persist or if there is difficulty in breathing or chest pain.

How to remove fish bone stuck in throat?

How to Remove Fish Bone Stuck in Throat

Here are some ways to remove a fish bone stuck in throat:

  • Drink plenty of water to help swallow the fish bone or move it down the esophagus.
  • Eat soft foods that are easy to swallow, such as bread, rice, or bananas, to help push the fish bone down.
  • Gargle with salt water to help reduce inflammation and irritation in the throat.
  • Use a toothpick or tweezers to carefully remove the fish bone. This should be done by a medical professional to avoid further injury or infection.
  • If the fish bone is lodged deep in the throat, it may require medical attention. A doctor may use an endoscope to locate and remove the fish bone.

It is important to avoid using sharp objects to remove the fish bone, such as forks or knives, as this can cause injury to the throat. Seeking medical attention is always recommended if there is any doubt or discomfort.

How to prevent fish bone from getting stuck in throat?

Prevent Fish Bone Stuck in Throat

Here are some ways to prevent a fish bone from getting stuck in the throat:

  • Be cautious while eating fish, especially if it contains small bones.
  • Chew food properly before swallowing to avoid swallowing large chunks of food or fish and bones.
  • Take small bites and swallow properly before taking another bite, especially with children who may try to eat too quickly.
  • If eating fish, take care to feel for any bones before swallowing.
  • Avoid talking or laughing while eating as this can cause food or fish bones to enter the windpipe.

By being cautious while eating fish and following these simple precautions, the risk of a fish bone getting stuck in the throat can be greatly reduced.

Gejala dari duri ikan di tenggorokan

Gejala dari duri ikan di tenggorokan

Have you ever had the experience of eating fish and suddenly feeling like there is something stuck in your throat? If you have, chances are that you may have swallowed a fishbone. The sensation of a fishbone lodged in your throat can be very discomforting, and it is important to address the issue immediately. In this article, we will be discussing the symptoms and some remedies for removing fishbones from your throat.

One of the primary symptoms of a fishbone lodged in your throat is a sensation of choking. It is not uncommon for individuals to feel like they are unable to breathe properly, and this can be very frightening. Additionally, you may feel a sharp pain in your throat when attempting to swallow. This can be accompanied by a constant feeling of discomfort or irritation in the affected area. If the fishbone has become lodged deep in your throat, you may experience difficulty in swallowing not just solid food but also liquids.

If you believe that you have swallowed a fishbone, one of the first things you should do is to try to cough it up. While it may be tempting to use your fingers to try to dislodge the bone, this can be dangerous and can cause further damage to your throat. Instead, try to drink some water and swallow it repeatedly. The water may help to push the bone down your throat and out of the way. In some cases, eating some bread and chewing it thoroughly can also help to dislodge the bone.

If the bone remains lodged in your throat even after coughing or drinking water, it is important to seek medical attention immediately. A doctor or medical professional may use a special tool to see the bone and then remove it with forceps. They may also recommend an X-ray or a CT scan to ensure that the bone has been completely removed. It is important not to ignore the symptoms of a fishbone lodged in your throat, as it can lead to serious medical complications if left untreated.

In conclusion, a fishbone lodged in your throat can be a very discomforting experience. The symptoms include a sensation of choking, pain, discomfort, and difficulty in swallowing. If you believe you have swallowed a fishbone, try to drink water or eat bread to dislodge it from your throat. If the bone remains lodged, seek medical attention immediately to avoid further complications.

Cara menghilangkan duri ikan dengan makanan yang mengandung tepung atau ubi-ubian

Makanan Mengandung Ubi-Ubian Tepung

Makanan yang mengandung tepung atau ubi-ubian dapat membantu melapisi duri ikan untuk kemudian dikeluarkan dengan kemudahan. Tepung atau ubi-ubian memberikan lapisan yang lembut pada duri ikan sehingga dapat meloloskannya dari tenggorokan. Berikut adalah beberapa makanan yang dapat membantu dalam menghilangkan duri ikan di tenggorokan:

1. Roti atau biskuit

Roti Atau Biskuit

Roti atau biskuit yang mengandung tepung dapat membantu membersihkan tenggorokan dari duri ikan. Anda bisa mencelupkan roti atau biskuit ke dalam air atau air susu kemudian dikunyah hingga menjadi lembut dan kemudian ditelan bersama-sama dengan duri ikan.

2. Singkong atau ubi kayu

Singkong Panggang

Singkong atau ubi kayu yang dipanggang bisa menjadi alternatif makanan yang dapat membantu menghilangkan duri ikan di tenggorokan. Anda bisa memanggang singkong atau ubi kayu hingga matang, kemudian kukus atau goreng hingga menjadi lembut dan kemudian ditelan bersama-sama dengan duri ikan.

3. Pisang atau buah-buahan lainnya


Pisang atau buah-buahan lainnya yang mengandung pektin dapat menjadi solusi yang efektif untuk mengeluarkan duri ikan. Pektin sendiri adalah serat makanan yang bersifat seperti lem, sehingga dapat membantu membersihkan tenggorokan dari duri ikan. Anda bisa mengonsumsi pisang atau buah-buahan lainnya yang mempunyai kandungan pektin untuk membantu meloloskan duri ikan.

Semua cara tersebut dapat membantu meloloskan duri ikan di tenggorokan dengan lebih mudah. Namun, jika duri ikan masih belum dapat dikeluarkan dengan cara ini, maka sebaiknya segera pergi ke dokter untuk mendapat penanganan medis.

How to Remove Fish Bone Stuck in Your Throat by Drinking Juice

Drinking Juice for Removing Fish Bone from Throat

Having a fish bone stuck in your throat can be a painful and uncomfortable experience. It can happen to anyone, especially when eating fish with small bones. If you are experiencing this, you don’t need to panic because there are effective ways to remove the fish bone and relieve the discomfort. One of the most effective ways is by drinking juice made from certain fruits.

Drinking juice can help soften the tissues around the fish bone, making it easier to remove. The following are some of the best juices to drink if you have a fish bone stuck in your throat:

Aloe Vera Juice

Aloe Vera Juice

Aloe vera juice is known to have many health benefits, including helping to soothe digestive problems and reducing inflammation. It is also useful for removing fish bones stuck in the throat. The slimy consistency of aloe vera juice can coat the throat, helping to loosen the bone and make it easier to remove. To make the juice, blend fresh aloe vera gel with water and a sweetener of your choice. Drink the juice before meals to help prevent fish bones from getting lodged in your throat.

Lemon Juice

Lemon Juice

Lemon juice is packed with vitamin C and has anti-inflammatory properties that can help ease the discomfort caused by a fish bone stuck in your throat. The acidity in the juice can also help to soften the tissues around the bone. Squeeze fresh lemon juice into a glass and add some honey or sugar to taste. Drink the mixture to help dissolve the bone and ease the discomfort.

Pineapple Juice

Pineapple Juice

Pineapple juice contains an enzyme called bromelain, which has anti-inflammatory properties that can help reduce swelling and inflammation in the throat. This can help to ease the discomfort caused by a fish bone stuck in the throat. To make the juice, blend fresh pineapple with water and a sweetener of your choice, then strain the mixture before drinking.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar has many health benefits and can help to remove a fish bone stuck in the throat. Its acidic properties can help to dissolve the bone and soothe the surrounding tissue. Dilute one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar in a glass of water and drink it slowly. You can also add honey or sugar to make the drink more palatable.

In conclusion, drinking juice made from natural ingredients can help to remove a fish bone stuck in your throat. However, if the discomfort persists, seek medical attention immediately. Also, take precautions when eating fish by making sure it is fully cooked and avoiding eating fish with small bones.

Preparing for the “Kaku Tangan” Method

Preparing for the Kaku Tangan Method

If you have swallowed a fish bone, it can be stressful and painful. The bone can get trapped in your throat and cause you discomfort while breathing, eating, and drinking. Thankfully, there are ways to ease your discomfort when this happens. One of the ways to remove a fish bone lodged in your throat is by using the “kaku tangan” method.

It does not require any special tools or equipment and you can do it on your own. Before attempting this method, make sure that you are calm and relaxed. Take a few calming breaths to release the tension in your throat and then follow these five steps.

Step 1: Identify the Location of the Fish Bone

Identify the Location of the Fish Bone

The first step in removing a fish bone from your throat is identifying where it is located. Try to locate the fish bone by feeling around your neck or throat with your fingers. If you are unsure about the location of the fish bone, seek medical assistance instead of attempting to remove it on your own.

Step 2: Open Your Mouth Wide

Open Your Mouth Wide

Once you have located the fish bone, open your mouth wide so that you have a clear view of your throat. You may use a mirror or ask another person to help you with this step.

Step 3: Stimulate Your Gag Reflex

Stimulate Your Gag Reflex

The third step in removing a fish bone is to stimulate your gag reflex. Start by inserting your index finger into your mouth and placing it on the back of your tongue. Use your other hand to hold down your thumb, which is curled into a fist. Your thumb acts as a support for your hand and prevents you from pushing too far back into your throat.

Next, use your little finger to tickle the roof of your mouth. This tickling sensation will activate your gag reflex and cause you to convulse slightly, which will help to dislodge the fish bone. Continue tickling the roof of your mouth for a minute or two until you feel the fish bone move.

Step 4: Remove the Fish Bone

Remove the Fish Bone

Once you feel the fish bone move, try to cough it out. If the fish bone is still lodged in your throat, repeat the tickling process until the fish bone is removed.

Step 5: Drink Liquids and Eat Soft Foods

Drink Liquids and Eat Soft Foods

After a successful removal, drink plenty of liquids to help wash away any remaining bone fragments in your throat. Soft foods can also help to soothe your throat and reduce any irritation from the bone. Avoid hard, crunchy, or spicy foods that may irritate your throat or cause further injury.



Removing a fish bone from your throat can be scary and painful. However, if you follow these steps, you can remove the bone safely and effectively. Remember to stay calm, identify the location of the bone, stimulate your gag reflex, remove the bone, and then drink lots of liquids and eat soft foods in the end. If the bone is still lodged or the discomfort persists, seek medical assistance.

When should you seek medical help for fishbone stuck in throat?

Fishbone Stuck in Throat

Having a fishbone stuck in the throat can cause discomfort, pain, and a choking sensation. It can be a common occurrence, usually happening when people eat fish with small bones, carelessly swallow without chewing enough, or have a habit of talking or laughing while eating. In most cases, a fishbone stuck in the throat can be removed quickly with simple home remedies, but in some instances, medical assistance may be necessary. Here are six situations when you should consult a physician if you have a fishbone stuck in your throat:

1. You are unable to remove the fishbone with home remedies

Home Remedies to Remove Fishbone from Throat

When a fishbone is stuck in your throat, several home remedies can help remove it. Eating a banana or a marshmallow, gargling with saltwater, drinking vinegar or lemon juice, and swallowing olive oil or bread can help push the fishbone down and make it easier to remove. If you have tried these remedies, and the fishbone is still there, it is best to stop trying to get it out and seek medical attention.

2. You experience persistent pain or discomfort in the throat

Throat Pain

A fishbone in the throat can cause discomfort, but if the discomfort turns into persistent pain or breathing difficulties, it is a clear sign that the fishbone has lodged deep into the throat. In this case, seeking medical attention is necessary because injuries to the throat can cause serious complications.

3. You develop a fever or swollen lymph nodes

Swollen Lymph Nodes

If you develop a fever or swollen lymph nodes a few days after the fishbone is stuck in your throat, you may have an infection. Medical attention is essential because infections in the throat can rapidly progress and cause more severe conditions, such as abscesses or sepsis.

4. You experience bleeding or trauma in the throat

Bleeding or Trauma in the Throat

Trying to remove a stuck fishbone by force can cause damage to the throat and the surrounding tissues, leading to bleeding, swelling, or bruising. If you experience any of these symptoms, it is crucial to seek medical attention, as they may require advanced procedures or surgery to treat.

5. You have a history of throat-related conditions

Throat-related Conditions

If you have a history of conditions that affect your throat, such as tumors, infections, or structural abnormalities, getting a fishbone stuck in your throat can be more dangerous. Seeking medical assistance is crucial, as it can prevent complications and ensure that your throat is not further damaged.

6. The fishbone is stuck in a child’s throat

Child's Throat

Children are more prone to experience fishbone stuck in the throat as they often swallow without chewing properly. In some cases, they may not be able to articulate the symptoms or suffer in silence. If you suspect that a child has a fishbone stuck in their throat, it is crucial to seek medical assistance immediately, as they are more susceptible to injury or complications.